
My Terminal-Only Development Setup (2)


It’s definitely been quite a journey recently considering how many editors/IDEs I have tried out, most of which being pure terminal based. It’s a fascinating experience to start “retro-coding” in 2024 on an emulated terminal with an ANSI art banner designed by yourself. It’s also about a lot of1 back-and-forth in tooling and configuring which forces me to write this second post on the same topic. The setup in this post is similar to the previous one but with a strong less-is-better preference.

We’re going to skip the first step, setting up ZSH, which is gonna be identical to the last post. The only difference is the addition of custom terminal colors (matching the editor color scheme) in ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml:

live_config_reload = true

dimensions = { columns = 120, lines = 80 }
padding = { x = 0, y = 0 }
opacity = 1
blur = true
title = "Terminal"
option_as_alt = "Both"

program = "/bin/zsh"
args = ["-l"]

size = 13
offset = { x = 0, y = 0 }
normal = { family = "Hack Nerd Font", style = "Regular" }

background = "#282828"
foreground = "#eeeeee"

black = "#282828"
red = "#f43753"
green = "#c9d05c"
yellow = "#ffc24b"
blue = "#b3deef"
magenta = "#d3b987"
cyan = "#73cef4"
white = "#eeeeee"

black = "#4c4c4c"
red = "#f43753"
green = "#c9d05c"
yellow = "#ffc24b"
blue = "#b3deef"
magenta = "#d3b987"
cyan = "#73cef4"
white = "#feffff"

Now, instead of NvChad, we’re going to install LunarVim this time (the URL below corresponds to the last version of LunarVim as of this post, and thus is very likely stale; please go to their official website for the up-to-date installation):

LV_BRANCH='release-1.3/neovim-0.9' bash <(curl -s

The next and also last step is ~/.config/lvim/config.lua (yes, LunarVim doesn’t share the same config directory with other NeoVim frameworks, which is very much appreciated):

-------------------------------------- GLOBAL OPTIONS -------------------------------------------

vim.opt.fillchars = "eob: " -- avoid the ~ fillchars at the borders
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4
vim.opt.tabstop = 4

lvim.format_on_save.enabled = true
lvim.transparent_window = false

---------------------------------------- FORMATTERS ---------------------------------------------

local formatters = require "lvim.lsp.null-ls.formatters"
formatters.setup {
    { command = "black",        filetypes = { "python" } },
    { command = "isort",        filetypes = { "python" } },
    { command = "clang-format", filetypes = { "cpp", "c" } },
    { command = "markdownlint", filetypes = { "markdown" } },
    { command = "prettier",     filetypes = { "css" },     args = { "--tab-width", 4 } }

---------------------------------------- KEYBINDINGS --------------------------------------------

lvim.keys.normal_mode["<Tab>"] = "<Cmd>BufferLineCycleNext<CR>"
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<S-Tab>"] = "<Cmd>BufferLineCyclePrev<CR>"

lvim.keys.normal_mode["|"] = ":vsplit<CR>"
lvim.keys.normal_mode["-"] = ":split<CR>"

lvim.keys.visual_mode["<C-[>"] = ":SimpleAlign \\\\\\\\\\\\@<!|<CR>"
lvim.keys.visual_mode["<C-]>"] = ":SimpleAlign \\\\\\\\\\\\@<!| -justify right<CR>"

lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["e"] = { "<Cmd>Neotree toggle<CR>", "Toggle file explorer" }
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-e>"] = "<Cmd>Neotree toggle<CR>"

lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-p>"] = "\"0p"

lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-b>"] = ":ene <BAR> startinsert <CR>"
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<C-s>"] = ":w<CR>"

lvim.builtin.which_key.mappings["p"] = {
    name = "Project",
    p = { "<Cmd>SessionManager load_session<CR>", "Load project" },
    l = { "<Cmd>SessionManager load_last_session<CR>", "Load last project" },
    s = { "<Cmd>SessionManager save_current_session<CR>", "Save current project" },
    d = { "<Cmd>SessionManager delete_session<CR>", "Delete project" },

--------------------------------------- AUTOCOMMANDS --------------------------------------------

lvim.autocommands = {
            callback = function()
                vim.cmd("hi WinSeparator guifg=#666666")
                vim.cmd("hi AlphaBanner guifg=#444444")

------------------------------------ PLUGINS AND STYLING ----------------------------------------

lvim.plugins = {
    { -- for multi-cursor

    { -- for cmake-tools

    { -- dependency of cmake-tools

    { -- dependency of cmake-tools

    { -- for telescope selection instead of native UI

    -- { -- for colorful split window borders
    --     'nvim-zh/colorful-winsep.nvim',
    --     config = true,
    --     event = { "WinNew" },
    -- },

    { -- for add/delete/change surrounding pairs (of quotes and brackets etc)
        config = function()

    { -- for color highlighting on hex strings (see below)
        config = function()

    { -- for text wrapping
        config = function()

    { -- for file explorer
        dependencies = {

    { -- for python venv
        dependencies = {
        opts = { name = ".venv", auto_refresh = true },
        event = 'VeryLazy',
        keys = {
            { '<leader>vs', '<Cmd>VenvSelect<CR>' },
            { '<leader>vc', '<Cmd>VenvSelectCached<CR>' },

    { -- for git diff
        event = "BufRead",

    { -- for by-project sessions

    { -- for colorscheme

    { -- for consistent colorscheme between vim and terminal
        lazy = false,

    { -- for access to a library of ascii arts
        dependencies = {

    { -- for searching nerd glyphs
        event = "VeryLazy",
        dependencies = {
        cmd = 'Nerdy',

    { -- for markdown preview
        cmd = { "MarkdownPreviewToggle", "MarkdownPreview", "MarkdownPreviewStop" },
        ft = { "markdown" },
        build = function() vim.fn["mkdp#util#install"]() end,

    { -- for formula and table alignment

    { -- for a bunch of good snippets


-- set up cmake-tools
require("cmake-tools").setup {


-- fixing encoding for clangd
require("lspconfig").clangd.setup {
    cmd = {

-- turn off netrw when neo-tree is the file explorer
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1 = false

-- color schemes
lvim.colorscheme = "tender" = "default"
lvim.builtin.lualine.options.theme = "powerline"
lvim.builtin.lualine.sections.lualine_x = { "encoding" }
lvim.builtin.lualine.sections.lualine_y = { "filetype" }
lvim.builtin.lualine.sections.lualine_z = { "location" }

-- config for colorful-winsep
-- require("colorful-winsep").setup({
--     highlight = { fg = "#ffc24b" },
-- })

-- config for colorizer
require("colorizer").setup {
    user_default_options = {
        mode = "virtualtext", -- foreground, background, virtualtext
        virtualtext = "■",

-- config for session manager
local _ = require('plenary.path')
local config = require('session_manager.config')
    autoload_mode = config.AutoloadMode.Disabled, -- Disabled|CurrentDir|LastSession
    autosave_last_session = true,                 -- autosave on exit and switch

-- config for markdown preview
local g = vim.g
g.mkdp_theme = 'light'
g.mkdp_markdown_css = vim.fn.expand('~/.config/lvim/css/markdown.css')
g.mkdp_highlight_css = vim.fn.expand('~/.config/lvim/css/highlight.css')
g.mkdp_port = '8842'

-- config for telescope selection
lvim.builtin.telescope.extensions = {
    ["ui-select"] = {
        require("telescope.themes").get_dropdown {}

-- config for native terminal
lvim.builtin.terminal.direction = "horizontal" -- default to be horizontal
lvim.builtin.terminal.size = 30                -- <not> in percentage of screen

-- config for telescope ascii art
-- require("telescope").load_extension("ascii")
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.header.val = {
    "                       ▓▄█▒▄                      ",
    "               ░▓▓▒░   ██████░▒▓░▄                ",
    "          ░ ░▒▓██░█░█ ▄████▓▓▒█▓█░░░              ",
    "           ▒▒▒██▒███░▒▒▒█░█████▓███▓▒             ",
    "         ▄▄██▒█░  ██▒▒██▓▓▓░░▒█░▓██   ░░░▄▄       ",
    "     ▄▒▄ ░██░▒█▒▓████▓▒▒▒░░▒░▒▓▓█░█▓█████▒█░░▒░   ",
    "    ▀███░░█░███▓▓███▓░░░░░░░▒▒░░▒▒████▓▓▒█▓▓██▒█  ",
    "  ▄   ████░▒░█▓▓█▓▓▒░▒▒░░▓██ ▓█▒▒▓█▓▓▒▓▓░░░█▓▓▒▀  ",
    " ▄░▒█░▓██▓▓▓█████▓▓████████▄▓▓ ▒▒▒▒▓██▓▓▓█▓██▒▄   ",
    " ▀█▒░▓░▒▓█▒░███▓▓▓███████▓░██▒▒░█████░░▒▓▓▓▒█▀▀   ",
    "     ██████████▀▀▓▀▓█████░▓██▓█████▓▓▒▓▓▒▓█       ",
    "   ▄▄█░▓▓▒▒▒   ▄   █░█████▒▒██░▓██▀ ▓▒▓▓▒▒▓██▓▓   ",
    "▄▄██▒▒▒░░░███ ███▄▄██▓▒█▓▒▒▒█▒▓▓▒   ▓▓▓▓██▒▒▓█▒▒▒ ",
    "█████░ ░▒████████▓▓█▓▒░▓█▓█▓▓░▒▒░▒ ░▒▒▒▒▓▓▒▓█▒░▒█▒",
    " ▀▒▒░░  ░▓█████░▒█▓████▒▓░░░░▒▒███▒▒▓▓█████▓█░████",
    "       ░▒▒▓███▓▓▓▓▓▒▀▀█▒▒░▒▓▒  ░░▀░▒▓▓▒███░██▒▒█  ",
    "      ░▓▓▓▒░▒██▓▀█▄▄ ░██▒▓░▓  ▄█▀   ░▒▓▒█  ██▓▀   ",
    "        ░▒██▒     ▀█████▒▒░▒▄██             ▀     ",
    "                    ██▒███░▒░▀                    ",
    "                    █▒▒▒▒▒▒░█▓                    ",
    "                   ▄█▒▒▒▒▓▒░█                     ",
    "                   █▒▒░█░▒▓░░░                    ",
    "                  ▄█▓  ▀▓▓▓▒▓▓░░                  ",
    "               ▄▄░▀       ▀▀▀▀░░░░░░▄             ",
    "            ▀▀▀▀                 ▀▀▀▀▀▀           ",

lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.header.opts.hl = "AlphaBanner"
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.buttons.opts.hl = "String"
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.footer.opts.hl = "Constant"

-- config for alpha dashboard buttons
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.buttons.entries[1] = {
    "b", "  Open New Buffer", ":ene <BAR> startinsert <CR>"
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.buttons.entries[2] = {
    "r", "  Open Recent File", ":Telescope oldfiles <CR>"
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.buttons.entries[3] = {
    "f", "  Find Files", "<Cmd>Telescope find_files<CR>"
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.buttons.entries[4] = {
    "p", "  Load Project", ":SessionManager load_session<CR>"
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.buttons.entries[5] = {
    "t", "  Find Text", ":Telescope live_grep <CR>"
local config_path = require("lvim.config"):get_user_config_path()
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.buttons.entries[6] = {
    "c", "  Configuration", "<Cmd>edit " .. config_path .. " <CR>",
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.buttons.entries[7] = {
    "q", "  Quit", ":qa<CR>"

-- config for alpha dashboard footer
local function footer()
    ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: param-type-mismatch
    local plugins_paths = vim.fn.globpath("~/.local/share/nvim/lazy", "*.nvim", false, true)
    local plugins_count = vim.fn.len(plugins_paths)
    local datetime_str ="  %Y-%m-%d       %H:%M:%S")
    local plugins_str = "  " .. plugins_count .. " Plugins"
    local version = vim.version()
    local nvim_version_str = (
        "  v" .. version.major .. "." ..
        version.minor .. "." .. version.patch
    return (
        datetime_str .. "     " .. plugins_str .. "     " .. nvim_version_str

lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.footer.val = footer()
lvim.builtin.alpha.dashboard.section.buttons.opts.width = 61

That’s it. No more fuss about plugins (they will automatically install as long as you list them in the above file; they actually automatically uninstall as well, as soon as you remove them from the file) and LSPs (ask Mason! he’ll do it for you) and config directories. Everything dumped in one file and working out-of-box cuz LunarVim has pre-installed a bunch core plugins (making it slightly slower, to be noted). In other words, compared with NvChad which now seems like an unfurnished2 house, LunarVim is just a maybe-a-tad-more-expensive-but-hey-I-see-kitchen-bed-and-everything condo. Depending on what kind of developer you are (I confess, I’m the lazy type) and what the underlying circumstance is (maybe you need to set up your development environment as quickly as possible, who knows), LunarVim is definitely offering a compelling alternative in the game.

  1. But not too much, as these projects tend to have rather long lifespans and update cycles and you can almost rely on your fine-tuned config for however long you like. ↩︎

  2. But not unfinished – NvChad is still way better than native NeoVim which we all know deserves a ton of credits! ↩︎