
My Terminal-Only Development Setup (3)


In this post I’m just listing some (maybe, based on my use habits) useful commands that I find myself Googling all the time. Some are based on my custom config.lua so it’s not recommended to take the following as your random online reference.

Description Command Source
Select all content ggVG default keybinding
Paste the last yanked that’s not from delete/cut ctrl p custom keybinding
Toggle upper/lower case ~ default keybinding
Toggle wrap mode :toggleWrapMode or yow wrapping.nvim
Split vertically/horizontally | and - custom keybinding
Align markdown tables ctrl [ and ctrl ] vim-simple-align, custom keybinding
Shuffle tabs tab and shift tab custom keybinding
Close current buffer1 space c default keybinding
Close current window :q default keybinding
Open a new empty buffer space b custom keybinding
Save the changes of current buffer :w or ctrl s default and custom keybinding
Toggle file explorer space e or ctrl e neo-tree.nvim, custom keybinding
Multi-cursor select ctrl n vim-visual-multi
Surround current word with brackets ysiw) nvim-surround
Surround current sentence with qutes ys$" nvim-surround
Surround current selection with quotes S" nvim-surround
Delete the square brackets around cursor ds] nvim-surround
Delete the HTML tag around cursor dst nvim-surround
Change the single quotes to double quotes cs'" nvim-surround
Change the HTML tab around cursor to <h1> csh1<CR> nvim-surround
Enter line-wise visual mode shift v default keybinding
Select multiple lines ma (from), v'a (to) default keybinding
Delete multiple lines ma (from), d'a (to) default keybinding
Select Virtual Environment vs venv-selector.nvim, custom keybinding
LSP telescope diagnostics space lw default keybinding
LSP next diagnostic space lj default keybinding
LSP prev diagnostic space lk default keybinding
LSP code action space la default keybinding
Show side-by-side git diff :DiffViewOpen diffview.nvim
Delete and substitute current character cl or s default keybindng
Delete and substitute current word ciw default keybindng
Delete and substitute util the end of the line c$ or C default keybindng
Delete and substitute current line cc or S default keybindng

  1. Very different concepts: buffers vs windows. For example, when a vertical split view is turned on, you can shuffle through all opened buffers in both left and right views. Now, in order to quit this split view, you’re gonna close a window by :q. In order to close a buffer (can be seen as an opened file) across both views, we need space c↩︎