
How to Deploy a Local Project onto Github


This passage covers the major steps of deploying your local project (files in a well-structured folder) onto a Github repository. Here we take ~/Desktop/XGBoost as an example, in which I have three Python scripts and a doc. Make sure you have the command line tool Git installed already.

(1) Open and enter the directory of the folder.

cd ~/Desktop/XGBoost

(2) Initialize the directory to a Git project.

git init

Now you’ll see a .git file (which is hidden actually, but you can opt to show hidden files using terminal commands) in the folder XGBoost. (3) Add all files into the local Git project.

git add .

You can substitute . with the files you want to add, e.g., if not all items in the directory do you want to deploy. (4) Deploy your local project to Github.

git commit -m "Initial commit"

(5) Visit Github. Create a new repository named XGBoost or whatever. Copy the .git url of your repository, e.g. (6) Go back to the terminal and type the following.

git remote add origin

(7) Run the following script to see if you’ve seccessfully deployed your files.

git remote -v

(8) Any time in the future if you want to deploy/update your files, run under the same directory:

git push origin master

Refference: Adding a file to a repository using the command line